PT. Sunrise Intermedica Indo
Alamat: Jl. Sunter Karya Blok HB-4 no.6 Sunter Agung Jakarta Utara. 14350 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan:
About PT. Sunrise Intermedica Indo our pride and gratitude on the existence of our company that we offer to you as a company developing a distribution network to expand throughout Indonesia. We promise a real commitment to our customers with continual and sustainable in providing services. PT.Sunrise Intermedica Indo have many experiences in the areas of procurement of equipment for health institutions, both government and private sector in Indonesia. Our company also has a form of after-sales service warranty spare parts and training for teknhisi that are important to ensure the use of the equipment in maximum health, we also always give priority to medical utensils are of high quality. PT. Sunrise Intermedica Indo goals and planning is a Market Leader who is responsible, are in increasing the level of living standard of health for all people of Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja: Tekhnisi ATEM (Alat Kesehatan)
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
PT. Sunrise Intermedica Indo. membutuhkan segera :
1. Tekhnisi ATEM (Alat Kesehatan)
2. Pendidikan min D3 Akademi Tekhnik Elecktro Medic
3. Lulusan Universitas Terkemuka
4. Siap ditugaskan keluar kota
5. Berpengalaman di bidangnya +/- 3 Thn
6. Jujur dan Bertanggung jawab
7. Mampu bekerja dalam Tim maupun Individu
Kirimkan CV anda beserta Foto Terbaru ke:
Tanggal Tayang: 04/27/2009
Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Contract Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: Negotiable
Tanggal Penutupan: 05/30/09
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