PT. Transdata
Alamat: Jl. Juanda 3,Jakarta Pusat 10120 Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan:
Lowongan Kerja: Additional Requirements for Senior Developer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
• At least 6 years of working experience in Software Development
• Very knowledgeable in FND, JTF technologies/framework of Oracle
• Show strong technical and analytical skills on problem solving skills and ability to work efficiently as a team player or as a self-supervised / managed person
• Familiar with SCM, Build and Deploy processes
Candidates with who fulfill the above requirements, and have over 8 years experience in Software Development (including 2 years of experience in Architectural design for software systems) and familiar with COBIT and SOX processes, SCM, Build and Deploy processes, may apply for Oracle Technical Lead position (please indicate in email subject)
Should you interest to perform this challenge in PT. Transdata International Mandiri, please send your comprehensive resume.
Tanggal Tayang: 04/29/2009
Pendidikan: Associate Degree - Mid Career (2-10 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: 2jt-10jt
Tanggal Penutupan: 05/13/2009
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